Getting dad a library... outreach, customer service, etc... I can relate to this one on a number of levels. My dad does go to the library but my mother doesn't. She doesn't understand computers and probably wouldn't be able to use the modern card catalogs. The only books she reads are the ones she buys at the second-hand store. My dad goes to his local library, uses the internet, and is friendly with the librarian. Then again, he also works for WRMLS now too.
For me, I waited until our local library joined CW MARS before I got our family a library card. We go once or twice a month, but I am only getting things for my 3 year old daughter there. The staff is nice, but the space is tiny, and the hours are limited. As a consequence, I've also become a patron at other nearby libraries as well. Wendell has a bigger library, with better Saturday hours, but they don't have good internet service and their catalog isn't online that I know of. Actually, I'm not sure if I've seen their library catalog. I just browse the shelves and look for something interesting. They aren't part of the CW MARS thing and still check out books and do library cards the old fashioned way. Leverett is good, but out of my way, so I haven't spent much time there. Since it's so close to the elementary school though, I'm sure the kids use it a lot. I've heard good things about Pelham too, but haven't gotten over there yet.
Customer service has got to be difficult for local libraries. I know their staffing is limited and so are their resources, but if they want to draw people in, they really need to be on their toes. I think for the most part the ones around here are doing that, but I'm sure it's a struggle.
A great class
haven’t posted in 5 years? Anyway, I came here because I had great class
11 years ago
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